Buy Nexus Twin Tub Washing Machine Online

Wash your clothes while you take a nap on the couch with this unique washing machine. It has many features fit for your laundry needs. The Nexus Twin Tub Washing Machine NX-WM-9SASB with its rust free plastic body has two tubs which is helpful because we can use one for washing clothes and spinning with its new air dry function. This washing machine is proven to be one of the most water efficient options (basically means it doesn't require too much water but optimizes the use of available water) and uses less water than a front loader does in order to wash a lot of clothes. One very good advantage of this washing machine is the fact that it can reuse the water for more than one load of washing. Awesome, right? yeah. That's not all, this portable washing machine also runs on a low-noise system for a more quiet washing experience, that’s why its ideal for large families. So, whether its for personal or family use, this Nexus Twin Tub Washing Machine NX-WM-9SASB washing mach...