12 Washing Machine Hack Every Laundry Machine Owner or User Should Know

These days, every household has a washing machine because it is very helpful to us. With a washing machine, we don't have to worry about scrubbing those dirty clothes until they are clean every time. Now, all we have to do is select the clothes, put them in the washing machine and let it do it's job and give you squeaky clean clothes.
Sometimes, washing machine owners are faced with issues where the washing machine gets old quickly or is not as efficient as it used to be. Some people don't even know how to use their washing machine properly and it makes the machine wear out faster and it slowly destroys our clothes but not to worry, I have a few laundry hacks with descriptions on how to properly use the laundry machine to optimize its efficiency.
Stick with me while I teach you a few laundry hacks.

1.        The Almighty Self-Cleaning Hack
The first hack everybody should know about is the almighty self-cleaning trick. Now, we know that our washing machines make our clothes clean but they also get dirty sometimes during the process. I advise that we should wash our washing machines every time we use it. We can simply do this by putting in vinegar or non-hydrochloric bleach and then let the washing machine clean itself by undergoing a normal wash cycle.
After washing the machine, remember to open the lid of the washing machine to let the remain water evaporate and avoid moulds forming because of the damp space.
2.       Make Your Clothes Dry Faster
I guess you didn't know this but putting a fluffy towel in the dryer with help to dry the clothes faster meaning that you'll use less energy. The fluffy towel helps to absorb moisture from the clothes thereby making the dryer dry clothes a lot faster.
3.       Did Your Clothes Shrink During The Wash?
If yes, then you should make the clothes undergo the 'conditioner treatment'. This basically means making a solution from hair conditioner and lukewarm water and letting the shrinked clothes sit in the solution for some minutes and viola! Your clothes will un-shrink.
4.       Sort Your Clothes When You Take Them Off.
Do you know you could save some of the time you spend doing the laundry if you sort your clothes whenever you take them off? That's right. Those 10-15mins you spend sorting the whites from the coloured and this from that, you can actually save it. Just have different hampers for different categories of clothes and remember to put your clothes in the appropriate hamper category whenever you take them off.
5.       Chalk And Baby Powder Are Great Oil And Grease Stain Removals.
Yep, it's true. Baby powder can be used to remove oily stains from clothes by absorbing the oil into their powdery form making it easier to remove the greasy stain. Chalk works too. Just rub the powder or chalk on the stain, remove the excess and let the chalk or powder absorb the oil stain. If it doesn't remove all the oil from the cloth, repeat the process again until all the grease is absorbed, then you can toss it into the washing machine and let the washing machine handle the rest.

6.       Make All Your Whites Return To Their Sparkling-White Glory.
That's right. That white shirt or jean or sweater or skirt that we we're not proud to call WHITE anymore can be returned to their sparkling glory with our secret ingredient - baking soda. Baking soda is an excellent cleaning agent and it is very helpful to us during the laundry process. All we have to do is add between half to a full cup of baking soda to our laundry machine when we're washing our whites and wait for the magic to happen.
7.       Use Salt Or Milk To Remove Freshly Spilled Red Wine.
Note that, this trick only works for a freshly spilled wine so do this immediately after the wine has been spilled.
8.       Lingerie Bags Can Help With The Laundry
Don't throw those lingerie bags away because they can be very helpful to us when we want to wash socks or stuffed animals. So, if you don't want to lose a sock or you want your stuffed animals to be cleaned very well, then I would recommend that you put them in lingerie bags.
Although, you should make sure that the stuffed animal does not have anything like a music box or something cos it might be ruined during the wash.
9.       Want To Get Rid Of That Sour-Smelling Odor From Clothes? Well, then. Use Vinegar.
Just like baking soda, vinegar is another very powerful cleaning agent and every washing machine owner or user should have one. Apart from helping the washing machine to clean itself (as I mentioned in No. 1 of this post), it can also help to get rid of that sour smell from clothes like sweaty clothes from the gym, towels and the likes.
NB: Be sure to put the vinegar before washing the clothes so that your clothes don't smell like vinegar at the end of the wash.
10.   Put An Ice Cube In The Dryer
Why exactly should I put an ice cube in the dryer? Chill, let me tell you why. If you have any wrinkled piece of clothing, put it into the dryer with a dryer sheet and an ICE CUBE. Let the dryer do its thing for 10 minutes and we've got ourselves a babyass-smooth cloth.
11.   Aluminium Foil Instead Of Dryer Sheet
Why? Well, it's just as efficient as the dryer sheet. Put in a wad of aluminium foil and you can reuse it for a very long time. I know of a family that reused the aluminium foil for up to 6 months.

12.   Sun Power!
Don't ever under-estimate the power of the sun especially when it comes to doing the laundry, with or without a washing machine. Drying clothes in the sun after they've been in the washing machine helps for cloth diapers and tomato-based stains. Plus, clothes dried using the sun last longer and have a natural clean smell.

Sadly, this is all I have for today guys. If you have a question, suggestion or contribution to add, please make a comment below and I'll try my best to get back to you.


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